2021 Secure Your Digital Footprint Roadmap - Next Stop, Updating your Device!

April brings us to our next stop in our journey, updating your device(s)! You are no doubt familiar with messages that show up on your devices notifying you that there is an update available. Should you install the update now? What is the harm in delaying the update? Do these updates do anything to protect me? These are a few questions you might ask you self when see the update notifications. Let us explore how updating your device helps protect you.


Are all updates the same?

In general, there are two basic types of updates: operating system, and application/program. Operating system updates pertain to software that is running the entire device while application/program updates are for specific to a single application/program. All updates essentially function to fix issues, close security holes, repairing security issues, enhancing features, adding new features, and removing outdated features that have been identified.


The security behind updates

One thing is certain, hackers love to find security flaws! A security flaw is a specific weakness or vulnerability that is found in the software. Hackers will then develop tools such as malware to exploit the security flaw. As these security flaws are exploited companies must build repairs for their software. These repairs are found in updates and are called security patches.


To keep your device protected it is highly recommended that you update your device when updates are available. This is a proactive step you can do to maintain the security of your digital footprint. Long delays in updating can leave you and others exposed to attacks.


Tips for updating.

It is a good idea that you backup your device before you install a large update to your operating system. This will protect you in the event the update does not install properly or causes an issue.

Check your application store regularly on mobile devices for updates installed on the device. There are often application specific security patches in these updates as well as the latest features.

Check for updates weekly and install as soon as you can.